Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Art

 I haven't done much drawing in over ten years, but a friend of mine has me interested in it again.  I know some of you don't read my horse blog so I figured I would post it here too.  Sorry I've been so quiet on this blog.  I'll start posting again soon I promise.

 Led Zeppelin

 Chrome.  I drew this one upside down.  It's an exercise my friend suggested for me to learn to use the right side of my brain more.  I didn't expect it to turn out well at all.  When I flipped it right side up I was pleasantly surprised.  :)


And my ever popular donkey Led Zeppelin again.  Don't you just love his expression?  He had his nose twitched to one side.  :)  I did the ears too small, but otherwise I really like it.


  1. These look way better in person. I need to learn to photograph art lol!

  2. I think they're all really good! I love that last one especially!

  3. I'm so totally impressed with your drawings! Zep kills me, and you captured his spirit so well!
    It's crazy that you were able to draw the one of Chrome upside down! You're amazing!

  4. Those are great! :)

    I wish I could draw too.



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