Friday, February 5, 2016

Random pictures with Hubby's new work phone.

Hubby and his coworkers got upgrades on their work phones, so of course I had to try out the camera.  It has a 21MP camera that is super sensitive apparently because they all came out fuzzy.  Considering how much I move when trying to squat and catch a quick photo it really isn't at all surprising lol.  I just need practice.  They didn't turn out too bad though.

This is the look Jackal gives me when he is in a sit/stay and REALLY wants the release word.  He's pleading with his eyes.  "May I go?  Pleeeeaaaaassssseeeee may I go??"

 OrangeJello was posing for me!  

I wish I'd had time to crouch though because he's missing a leg haha.  Weird angles!

 He's finally learning to ignore me when I have a camera. :D

 My pup is so gorgeous!

Also I think I've decided on names for the goats.  Check out this POST on my other blog and let me know what you think.  Or offer alternatives if it's awful hehe.


  1. Jackal deserves to have an artist paint his portrait. He's that regal. You haven't named the goats yet? Okay, I'm headed over to your other blog.

    1. Aww thank you!! He is definitely photogenic. I need to keep practicing with the oil paints so maybe I can paint him someday. :-)

      I've been calling the goats brown goat and white goat all this time so I'm happy to finally have names for them hehe.


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