Saturday, November 19, 2016

2016 Reading Challenge - Book Scrabble - October

October was..... I don't know.  I didn't get much reading done though, that's for sure.

I loved Muffins and Mourning Tea which I knew I would.  It is book five in the Oxford Tearoom Mystery series that I love so much.  This one was no different.  It was awesome!

It took forever to finish this book and that's the main reason I didn't get much read in October.  It was a good book, but it just could not hold my interest.  When I'm really stressed out it takes a good book to keep me interested.  I just had a lot going on...  this book does fill the H book category though, so I'm getting close to finishing the whole alphabet.

Also I forgot to mention a book I read... I think in September.

This was a short story, so I don't know if I want it to count for my list, but if I can't find another X book, it may have to.  I actually really liked this book and I normally hate short stories because they just aren't long enough for me to get invested in the characters.  This one was really well written though and I enjoyed it.

Sorry for the short descriptions.  It's hard to write about them when I wait so long to make the post.  I need to do better about staying caught up but I'm so busy, it's hard.

So the points for October are M=3 and H=4, so 7 total.  Also the X is 8 points.  All I have left for the alphabet is D, which I'm in the middle of right now.  Other than that it will be just keep on reading to accumulate points.  I also might try to find a full length book for X.  Any suggestions?

I'm thinking about not doing a challenge next year and spending my reading time on blogs instead, because I don't have time to do both... I may still do a monthly post on the books I read though because this has been the only way I've ever successfully kept track of what I've read.  I've been trying to keep book lists since I was a kid and never did keep up with it.  It's too bad because it would be awesome to know how many books I've read in my entire life.  I know it's a LOT!!  I read more when I was a kid than I do now lol.

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