Sunday, June 10, 2018

The kids have names! Ladies first!

 It has taken me so long to name these kids!!  Hubby didn't want me naming any of them until we were positive we were keeping them, so I held off even though I find it easier to name them right off the bat.  Once I've spent months calling them by a number or a nickname that's who they are to me and it makes it impossible to come up with a new name.  It would be like meeting someone and not knowing their name for months.  In your head you would come up with some nickname or description, then when you finally learned their name it may seem like it doesn't fit.

So all of that is to basically say I have given up on trying to name them to some theme or come up with anything overly original or interesting... most of them will be going by the nicknames I've been calling them all this time.  Only now it will be official lol.

So to start off some of you may remember me mentioning at one time that Coral's doelings made me think of the Powerpuff Girls because their eyes seemed so huge compared to normal (they are growing into them now).  I never even liked that show, but the nicknames have stuck and I couldn't imagine them being anything else now.  To finish off the trio I've pulled poor LeeAnn's doeling into the mix.... so officially we have...

The Powerpuff Girls!

First is Coral's eldest... Blossom!

She is our biggest doeling at a whopping 62 pounds at less than four months!

She loves standing up on her hind legs to eat.

This pictures shows the roman nose she's developing like a true Boer should have.

I just wish her poor ears weren't creased.  They were creased at birth and we were told they would sort themselves out... well they didn't and now the cartilage is hard and there is no non-surgical way to correct them that I know of.  Other than looking dumb and needing her ears cleaned out occasionally, it doesn't really cause any problems so I'm not going to worry about it.  Also sorry all of the pictures are crappy and blurry.  I'm so sick of this cheap camera that can't handle anything but perfect lighting... and I'm bad out of practice.

Next up is her sister Bubbles!

Shh.... I'm not supposed to have favorites, but she is my favorite Boer doeling this year.

Staring up at the apple leaves.

Doesn't she have a sweet face?

The third of the trio is LeeAnn's doeling Buttercup.

She is an absolute sweetheart.

Next up is Garnet's only doeling, the middle child of the triplets.  Since we were naming the above three after cartoons I decided to continue with the theme and called her Strawberry Shortcake!  We still call her Little Red all the time though because that's been her nickname all this time.  Her full sister from last year Andesine still goes by Red sometimes.  Those nicknames are hard to shake!!  I do call her Andesine or Andi a lot more than I do Red now though, so hopefully Strawberry Shortcake will stick eventually.  Any ideas on a shortened version?  Cake?? 

Isn't she soooo pretty??  She's the most skittish of the Boer doelings, but she's coming around.

Last, but not least, is Georgia's doeling.... Lyric!!  I still have to come up with a full registered name, but her barn name will be Lyric.  I have always liked the name and wanted to use a musical theme this year for my Myotonics, so it fits.  Hubby calls her Lyrical hehe.  Let me know if you have any ideas for her full registered name.

Isn't she gorgeous??

Her markings are so fun and unique.

Lyric is the most skittish of all the kids (her mom is skittish), but she is coming around now that she is weaned and away from her mom's influence.  She'll be an absolute pet in no time.

Check out tomorrow's post for the boys' new names.  Hubby and I agreed not to name the Boer boys because they aren't registered and most will be sold.  The Myotonics need to be named though since they are registered, so I got to name Georgia's buckling (we already named Wildfire and Kamikaze months ago) and I named Amethyst's boys because I wanted to and nobody can stop me hehe.  Anyway be sure to check it out tomorrow.  I hope you liked the new names.  It will be nice to have something to call them besides numbers!


  1. I can seriously never get enough goat photos <3

    1. Awww thanks!! I'm glad both of you commented (and that you mentioned not getting comment notifications) because I was beginning to think no one was even looking at the pictures. I know goats are everyone's favorite but I sure do love these guys. I'm glad to know you both enjoy them.


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