I know I'm way behind posting about Mother's Day . . . oh well, I've been busy hehe. I took my mom a bouquet of flowers picked from my yard. I was really not looking forward to visiting my parents because I didn't want to see all of the damage from the tornado that went through my hometown. I knew it wouldn't look the same. It was very sad, but a lot has been done already to rebuild. Here are some of the pictures I got. This was taking the back roads to their house. I didn't take any pictures of the middle of town where the damage was worse. I was too overwhelmed.

There were a lot of tarps on roofs.

It's hard to tell in the picture, but the root ball on that tree was at least seven feet tall.

The house is down a little hill, but still look at the size of that tree.

This was a gorgeous old barn where a man had cattle and it's completely flattened.

There were a lot of roofs being rebuilt.

The roads look nothing like what they used to.

There were trees down everywhere. The path of the tornado was around a half mile wide.

This is the graveyard where I took my
Sunday Stills pictures.
The tree on the right is laying on the one to the left.
Below is a view of the same two trees before the tornado.

This view is from the other side, but it's the same two trees.

An electric pole snapped off and hanging.
It was really sad seeing the damage, especially down main street. :( Once I got to my parents house I did enjoy myself though. Storm and Jackal went with us and they had a blast. My mom's Yorkshire Terrier was happy to see them since he's the only dog on the place since my grandparents had to put their dog to sleep. Poor guy is lonely, but my parents don't want to deal with anymore animals. So I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day! I promise I will get caught up on reading blogs soon.
My thoughts are with those who were affected by the tornado. We had a tornado in our city recently. It looked like Godzilla or some huge monster had walked through the area, knocking down everything on his way, although I saw the damage only on TV, not in person.