Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A day at the lake!

Here are the rest of the pictures from our trip to the lake on Sunday. This is one of my favorite places to go to fish, watch/photograph the sunset, walk, bike, play with the dogs, etc. :) Awesome place. Here are the pictures.

My hubby fishing.

Geese flying over the lake.

The sun reflecting off of the water.

Beautiful sunset.

Any idea what kind of duck this is? Below is a closer shot.

I have never seen one of these before!! So cool looking!

Here is a closer head shot. What a cool duck!!

Okay, every single time we go to the lake I am completely obsessed with trying to get pictures of the sea gulls as they fly over. It's a lot more difficult than it sounds. You have to find them in the viewfinder or on the LCD screen, zoom in, keep them in view, then figure out how fast they are going and how long the delay on the camera is and set the camera that far ahead of them, push the shutter and hope they don't change directions before flying into your shot. I tried following them, but they are too far away and they turn into an indistinguishable blur. Yeah, not easy lol. Here are my results.

The last one's color was all messed up so I put it in black and white. A little blurry, but still cool. :)

I'm pretty happy with them! We always have so much fun at the lake. :D

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