Sunday, August 12, 2018

More baby pictures!

First a picture of Peter.  He's a very good babysitter.  He isn't mean to the kids at all.  He will do a great job teaching them how to be proper goats.  Doesn't he look so much like his mom Amethyst? Now pictures of the kids.

 She was chewing on my pants... yes I was wearing blue plaid sweats and cowgirl boots lol.

Both kids are actually drinking little bits of water already.  They taste everything too, but they mostly just gum on stuff.  They haven't figured out eating solids yet.

 This is the expression he gives me when I tell him no.  He's very offended!  So spoiled!!!!

 So cute he gets away with it though.

 Playing on rocks like proper goats.  I love watching their acrobatics.

 Isn't she cute sticking her tongue out??

 Gumming on leaves.

 Also gumming on leaves.

 Always with the tongue.  So adorable!

 They have the cutest faces and longest, most adorable ears!

 She's zeroing in on an apple leaf.

Then she starts gumming on them.  She worked on them for the longest time.  She's very determined to eat those leaves.  :)

He was working on the muscadine leaves.  He isn't as determined and persistent as his sister and quickly moved on.

 She is so beautiful!

 He decided to taste some bark.

Then hubby came home....

If you thought dogs greeted you happily on your return home from work you should see these baby goats with their bleats, bouncing and wagging tails.  It is downright the most adorable thing I have ever seen.  I love these two.  That's all for now!

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