Monday, July 12, 2010

Mango's Adventures

A dear blog friend Mango is having a wonderful adventure which happens to include Chrome and Zeppelin. I'm afraid they may be up to no good. To read more check out Mango's blog. The story will take place over five days so be sure to check back. Below is a sneak peek.

I have really been wanting to walk Chrome out on the lease land, but the weather has not been cooperating at all. However for my own sanity I really think I need to get out and get some exercise so I think I'll just take him for a walk on the road. He's such good company the time will fly by in no time.

Thanks Mango!!


  1. I don't know if Chrome will want to go walkies after his big adventure. But that Zep is a go go kind of chap.

    Hey! Glad you liked my bloggy today.


  2. Cool, I love the picture! :D


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