Well, here are the last of the snow pictures of Chrome. I hope you enjoy them because I'll probably be this time next year before we get more. :) I'll be posting Jackal's pictures next.
I like how you can actually see the snow that he was pawing in the air. :)
I think Storm actually liked being chased hehe.
I don't know what he was doing, but you can see his teeth hehe. Cute!
Always yawning. Just like my silly Appy mare used to do.
Do you see Storm hauling butt on the right side of the picture?
Pretty trot. He definitely has the Friesian's upright neck. :)
I love this picture.
I wish I'd gotten this one from the side because he was doing his pretty neck. :)
Tis all until tomorrow. Sorry if this is bogging anyone's computers down. I know it's a ton of pictures for one page. :)
great pictures! I've really liked all of your snow pictures.